Friday, December 26, 2014

The Cards Say It All

I love oracle cards.  It's uncanny to me how the cards can offer messages, insight, and guidance into the questions I've asked, even if it's only choosing a card to tell me what to pay attention to throughout the day.  Today, just for fun, I decided to ask the oracle cards to give me guidance on the word "Art".  I used the deck, The Answer is Simple, by Sonia Choquette, a favorite intuitive, author and teacher whose work I've followed for years.

This set of oracle cards are light hearted, uplifting yet honest in message.  Their intention is to ask a question with the idea that the answer is really quite simple.  So often we ponder over an answer to a question, making our lives much more difficult than they need to be.  With this set of oracle cards, the answer to a question is often an answer that distills the question down to its roots and offers guidance that can easily be followed, if you just follow it.  

So my question for today was simple ... I offered up the word "Art", curious to see what cards I'd be drawn to, their meaning, and their guidance.  I decided to go with a 3-card draw rather than just one card.  Why?  I felt drawn to choose three cards rather than just one.  Let's see what I chose and what the cards meant.

Ha!  Stunning!  The first card I chose was "Reclaim Your Art".  The first card drawn in this 3-card draw represents the attitude or frame of mind in which to approach the question, situation or problem.  I didn't necessarily offer the word "Art" as a problem.  I offered it to the cards with the request for guidance.  "Reclaim Your Art" means to engage in your art, any art, be it writing, music, dance, painting, etc. and not let your ego get in the way like it can so often do.

The second card I chose was "Share Your Gifts".  This second card represents how to use the energy and guidance of the first card.  In this case, the card suggested to me that as I engage myself in my talents, I need to also put them out into the world.  I love to write.  I'm learning to enjoy my cardmaking, watercoloring artistic side more as well.  The "Share Your Gifts" card suggests to me that both Jeff and I need to continue what we're doing with Paper Owl Artists and share it more with the world.

Finally, the third card I drew was "Keep Dancing."  The third card in this type of 3-card drawing suggests what one might be overlooking and needing to become aware of.  In the case of "Keep Dancing",  this card says to keep doing what I/we're doing, to stay focused on this idea of being in the energy of our art (writing, card making, frameable art, and other arts we may be led to this coming year), that by staying focused on and being in action around the energy of this card and this reading, we'll meet with success internally and externally.  

I loved this reading not only because it was a positive reading but also because it spoke to my questions and fears as well as my creative and "I want to be action' parts of me.

Have you ever consulted an oracle deck on your own?  It's fun, it's interesting, it's creative AND, it just might offer some guidance and thoughts that can support and assist you along your life journey. 

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