Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thank You Quinn McDonald

One of my favorite bloggers to follow is Quinn McDonald of Quinn Creative .  I sometimes want to change places with her.  Her blogs are always interesting, varied, and show her multi-dimensionality, as well as her wonderful artistic and writing talents.  I encourage you to visit her blog and see/read for yourself.

One of the things Quinn stresses in her postings is the need to get past your inner critic and just step into the waters of creativity of "do it".  Children "do it" all the time.  As we age, just doing it sometimes gets hard.  Like Quinn McDonald, both Jeff and I are multi-dimensional creatives.  We both like to make cards, do art, write, even loom knit.  I once tried my hand at tapestry weaving and years ago spent most of my creative time needlepointing and embroidering.  Jeff loves to bookbind and make handmade boxes.  He also cuts rocks and minerals into cabochons for jewelry.

Yesterday Jeff and I made our holiday greeting cards.  Later last night, I rubberstamped and watercolored a new stamp I recently received in the mail.  I love the cards we made (see yesterday's posting) but am especially pleased with this rubberstamped watercoloring I made. It was relaxing to play with and see what I could do with it.  I felt like an eight year old with a new set of paints.  A not-to-often-felt experience for me.  Usually I ponder, plan and worry about how to execute something creative rather than just let me go and "just do it".  For a first try with this stamp and to watercoloring in general, it's pretty darn good.... and it was fun to do!  Fun!  How about that!

Today, I plan to spend the day writing.  I have an e-book I'm working on in my head.  Today is the day I start committing it to paper. I also have an idea for some new greeting cards, inspirational ones.  I'll spend some time sketching them out.  Oftentimes what I see in my head looks much better than what I put on paper.  Sometimes what I see in my head never makes it to paper.  Nevertheless, today, I'm going to get past my inner critic and keep moving forward.  The "yes but, well but, no but brothers" have been internal friends of mine for years.  They know my weak spots, know how to distract me from doing what I say I want to be doing.  Today is going to be a creative and productive day.... and fun as well.  

How about you?  Do you have an inner critic (or two?).  How do you calm yours down, get past it, put it in its place?  What creative endeavors have you been wanting to try or make time for but haven't?  How do you have creative fun?  What can you do today to start?  

Quinn McDonald doesn't know she's one of my inspirational mentors.  I should write her and let her know.  I think I will and when I do, I'll tell her thank you for how much she's contributed to my life.  Inspiration, the breaking down of the inner critic and the moving forward into creativty and productivity come in many different shapes and forms.  Today, Quinn was one of mine.  If you have a few minutes, visit her blog.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Making Christmas/Holiday Greeting Cards for Friends and Family

Jeff and I started our holiday cards for friends and family.  Lots of stamping, coloring and even the use of Diamond Glaze this year.  

Paper Owl Artists plans on being busy in the coming weeks creating new designs for the shows we do and our Etsy shop.  Look for us soon on Artfire as well.    In the meantime, have you started your holiday shopping yet?  Cards too?  Remember, it's not too late to order so custom designed holiday cards for giving or mailing.  We have and can discuss a variety of design ideas with you.

And if you haven't already, we'd love it if you'd tell your friends and family about us.  Subscribe to our blog for postings about our cards, the history of ketter writing, paper, interesting facts about printing, writing and even greeting card art.  Look for the email sign up box on the right hand side of the blog.  And if course, join our Facebook page at

In the meantime, we wish you happy and stress free holiday shopping, and other preparations.
